Acupuncture and Cupping
Acupuncture is a widely used and recognized therapy, and it may help with a variety of conditions and health concerns.
I often work with conditions below, but not limited to:
Pain management
Lower back pain
Shoulder and neck pain
Elbow pain, tennis elbow
Knee, ankle and hip issues
Arthritic joint pain
Migraines and headaches
Relaxation for stress management
The first session is 90 min to allow enough time to look at your medical history, your current health and your aims towards it, as well as to do TCM health assessment that helps me to tailor the treatment special for you. The follow-up sessions are 60min.
Whether you're seeking relief from chronic conditions or looking to enhance your overall vitality, acupuncture can help. Get in touch to learn more.
It is usually good to have 4–6 sessions for chronic conditions, and for best results and prolonged benefit.
For scientific evidence on acupuncture benefits, please see Evidence Based Acupuncture Project.
High Blood Pressure
Hot flushes
Painful periods
Persistent Cough/ Post Viral Recovery
Cupping is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it involves placing heated glass cups on the skin, creating suction that draws out stagnation and promotes blood circulation, while dry cupping employs the same principles without the heat. It may aid recovery from many ailments, improve overall health and is very relaxing, as well as may help with pain, inflammation and blood flow.
I often work with cupping for painful muscles, muscle tension, back pain, leg pain, to name a few. Cupping works very well with acupuncture treatments and I often apply cupping at the end of the session.
Cupping is only done on the back and back of legs if necessary. It leaves marks, which clear up in 5-7 days.